ResEva's director and founder, Dr Walwyn, has produced a number of influential policy papers either on his own or in collaboration with other authors (see some examples
below). This expertise is now available to ResEva's clients. Examples of the areas in:
• Development of national R&D policy and strategy
• Determination of national R&D expenditure
• Integration of innovation and R&D strategies
• Evaluation of gross expenditure on R&D (GERD) and allocation processes to ensure alignment between policy and expenditure allocation.
List of relevant ResEva projects:
Walwyn, D and 14 co-authors. 1995. Green Paper on Science and Technology. Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology.
Adam, R, M Singh, D Walwyn and M Mullins. 1996. White Paper on Science and Technology. Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology.Walwyn, D and co-authors. National Biotechnology Strategy. 2001. Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology.
Walwyn, D, J Webster, J Morris and C du Preez. 2003. Biotechnology Roadmap for South Africa. Department of Science and Technology.
Keatimilwe, K, D Walwyn et al. 2005. Botswana National Research, Science and Technology Plan. CSIR.
Walwyn, D (ed). 2006. The South African National System of Innovation: Structures, Policies and Performance. NACI, Pretoria.